
The HAIRverything Podcast

The Hairverything Podcast is a space for Black women and Black men to learn, listen, and uplift everything about Black hair. The podcast discusses the resurgence of the Natural Hair Movement, Black hair discrimination, trending hairstyles, and much more. The host, Ms. Autumne-Jae, is a licensed cosmetologist and shares helpful tips and advice about how to maintain a healthy hair lifestyle. Ms. Autumne-Jae also shares her personal journey in learning how to love her natural 4C textured hair and hopes that listeners learn to embrace their natural hairstyles, too.

Visit thehairverythingpodcast.com learn more and follow @the_hairverthing_podcast on Instagram.


Autumne-Jae is a licensed hairstylist located in the DC metro area. She is passionate about styling hair, teaching others to maintain a #HealthyHairLifestyle, and discussing trending topics about Black hair. Hence, the HAIRverything Podcast was borne!

 When Autumne-Jae is not creating new hairstyles, she loves traveling and drawing. She enjoys telling “mom jokes” and watching her new found love, Disney Plus.